Acute illness of the digestive tract are common in the summer. This happens mainly because of the ease with which multiply and spread infectious agents are known to infect the digestive system in high temperature conditions.
Acute enterocolitis intestine are impaired by the action of various microorganisms:
bacteria - such as various types of Shigella (the infectious agent of acute bacterial dysentery), salmonella (the causative agent of typhoid fever), Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus;
viruses - rotaviruses, enteroviruses etc.
mushrooms - candidioza (rather during other debilitating diseases or following prolonged antibiotic treatment for other diseases, than as an independent infectious disease);
parasites - hystoliticum Entamoeba, Giardia lamblia, etc..
Common manifestations of acute gastrointestinal infections are diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal tenesmele. When accompanied by irritation of the stomach and duodenal bulb, the full name is the gastro-enterocolitis and acute nausea and vomiting also occurs. Sometimes, acute digestive disorders occur during holiday trips without being necessarily related to an infection. They may be due to changes in diet (consumption of specific foods and dishes that travel in the area, the body is not familiar, some new or excessive spices, foods too hot or too cold), different characteristics of drinking water lifestyle change in general (tables at different times of the ordinary or totally irregular, "feasts" repeated alcohol in large amounts).
What can we do to avoid these troubles?
Besides real discomfort caused by digestive symptoms, severity of these disorders is the general echo on the body. Dehydration due to frequent seats, vomiting and inability to continue to supply leading to altered general condition, progressive, in extreme cases to collapse. Once the water is lost by the same mechanisms and minerals essential to normal body function. For this reason supine position is the cornerstone in the treatment of acute gastrointestinal disease.
How to avoid these troubles?
First, respecting the very strict rules of elementary hygiene: hands, utensils, food, all should be well washed with clean water, soap or detergent, then rinse. Where hygiene conditions are poor, is to avoid eating foods raw heat. Thus Avoid fruits, salads of raw vegetables, fresh raw vegetables. Also, drinking water must be bottled or consumed after being boiled for several minutes and then cooled. It is preferable if possible keep a regular schedule of meals, avoid abuse of any kind.
What to do if still in full holiday neplacutele events occur?
First is to refute dehydration by consuming large amounts of liquid (mint tea, rice water, carrot soup, or even boiled and cooled water) you can add rehydration salts that are found in bags in pharmacies dose . It becomes necessary to establish a diet avoiding cruditatilor, food that usually ferment or produce flatulence and sausages, fatty meats, carbonated beverages. You can eat, as far as tolerance, tea, vegetable soups, cooked rice, cheese, meat or chicken cooked on the grill.
Most times gastroenterocolitele are acute self-limited disease that remits spontaneously once the case had caused them. If manifestations are severe, have occurred in very young children (babies), if not inferior, it is necessary to call a doctor who will determine the appropriate behavior.
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